Details about the event..
On the 6th of December, 2022, on the premises of the National Observatory of Athens, speakers from both the National Kapodistrian University of Athens and the Institute for Astronomy, Astrophysics, Space Applications, and Remote Sensing (IAASARS) presented their academic paths and most valuable advice to undergraduate students.
Those very same students took a guided tour of the telescope and the facilities that were made by the observatory’s staff and had a glance at the speaker’s research projects.
In attendance
were more than 40 students, including students from various departments and institutions such as the National Technical University of Athens. Our National Committee president, Dimitris Gkavakos, and Membership and Advocacy Manager of IAPS (International Association of Physics Students), Soe Gon Yee Thant also surprised us with their attendance.
In the after-event evaluation form, many of the attendees stated that they came out of the experience with more knowledge at hand about research topics and projects, as well as possible next steps in their academic careers. In fact, some of the students met potential supervisors for an internship at the observatory.
Of course, we took a group photo with all the people present!
The program of the event:
Introductions \\ 12:00 pm by Spyros Vasilakos, Director IAASAR and Anastasis Karagiannnis, Predident of Young Minds NKUA
AGN’s \\ 12:15 pm by Ektoras Pouliasis, Postdoctoral Researcher
AGN’s and X-rays \\ 12:30 pm by Elias Koulouridis, Associate Researcher
Black holes in the Universe: Creation and Evolution \\ 12:45 pm by Antonis Gorgakis, Senior Researcher
Cosmology \\ 13:00 by Manos Saridakis, Senior Researcher
Primordial Black Holes \\ 13:15 by Theodore Papanikolaou, Postodoctoral Researcher
Coffee break I
AI for earth observation \\ 14:00 by Ioannis Papoutsis, Associate Researcher
Volcanoes and climate \\ 14:15 by Stergios Misios, Postdoctoral Researcher
ReaCT & PANGEA RS \\ 14:30 by Eleni Marinou, Associate Scientist and Alexandra Tsekeri, Postdoctoral Researcher
Neliota \\ 14:45 by Alexis Liakos, Postodoctoral Researcher
Coffee break II
Contact binaries and Ancient Asteroids \\ 15:45 by Kosmas Gazeas, Lecturer, Department of Physics, NKUA
Evolved Stars \\ 16:00 by Stavros Akras, Associate Researcher